Telephone: 519-449-1848


General Inquiries:

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Hydro Vac Truck Services

Vibratory Plow Services

Excavation Services

Utility Trenching

So what exactly does Xact Drilling offer? The primary nature of Xact Drilling is horizontal directional drilling. Our drilling services are heavily utilized by numerous companies in the following industries: water, gas, sewer, cable/data, and hydro. We also offer hydrovac services, excavation services, vibratory plow service, as well as many other services.


Our projects also can include full restoration if desired, including landscaping and paving services. We are properly equipped, and highly skilled to take any underground project from start to finish.

Telephone: 519-449-1848

20 Brian Drive, Burford, ON   N0E 1A0

General Inquiries: